Math and science::Algebra::Aluffi
Let \( G \) be a group and \( H \subset G \) a subgroup.
For any \( a \in G \), a right-coset of \( H \) is any set of the form:
[\[ ?
For any \( a \in G, \) a left-coset of \( H \) is any set of the form:
[\[ ?
Coset equivalence relation
A right-coset forms a block in a partition defined by an equivalence relation, \( \sim_{R} \).
x \sim_{R} y \quad \iff \quad ?
A left-coset forms a block in a partition defined by a equivalence relation, \( \sim_{L} \).
x \sim_{L} y \quad \iff \quad ?
The essence of the relations is to consider an element related to another if the inverse of one element brings the other element back to \( H \).