Math and science::INF ML AI
Harris corner detector
A Harris corner detector extracts corner features from images. It identifies windows of the image containing corners as those where a small shift in the window position in any direction causes large changes in the pixel intensities within the window. This works because:
- windows that have large intensity shifts but only for one direction: these contain [what?].
- windows that don't have large intensity shifts are flat regions of the image.
- windows that have large intensities in two directions contain [what?].
How many directions that lead to large intensity changes is determined by inspecting the [something] of the structure tensor of the image.
The proceedure for applying the Harris corner detector is as follows:
- Convert the image to grayscale.
- Optionally smooth the image with a Gaussian filter.
- Compute the image gradients in the x and y directions, for example using the Sobel operator.
- Calculate the Harris response.
- Find points that have a high Harris response (above a threshold) and are local maxima in their neighborhood (e.g. within a 3x3 window). This is non-maximum suppression.